Hybrideseminar: Male and female voices in economics
Donderdag 19 januari 2023 geeft Sarah Smith (University of Bristol) een online presentatie getiteld: "Male and female voices in economics." Indien u wilt deelnemen stuurt u een e-mail naar Simone Pailer (S.Pailer@cpb.nl). U wordt aangemeld bij de receptie of ontvangt een Webex-uitnodiging via Outlook. Journalisten dienen zich tevens te melden bij woordvoerder Jeannette Duin: J.E.C.Duin@cpb.nl
"Women’s voices are likely to be even more absent from economic debates than headline
figures on female under-representation suggest. Focusing on a panel of leading economists
we find that men are more willing than women to express an opinion and are more certain
and more confident in their opinions, including in areas where both are experts. Women make
up 21 per cent of the panel but 19 per cent of the opinions expressed and 14 per cent of
strong opinions. We discuss implications for the economics profession and for promoting a
genuine diversity of views."