
Seminar: What do wages add to the health-employer nexus? Evidence from older European workers

Dinsdag 16 juni geeft Adriaan Kalwij (UU) een presentatie getiteld "What do wages add to the health-employer nexus? Evidence from older European workers".

16 juni 2015
CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Tijdstip: 13.00-14.00 uur
Locatie: CPB-kantoor, Van Stolkweg 14, Den Haag

Presentatie: Adriaan Kalwij (UU)

Discussiant: Marloes de Graaf (CPB)

Voertaal: Engels

Aanmelden: U kunt zich aanmelden voor dit seminar door een e-mail te sturen naar

Samenvatting onderwerp:
We explore the role in the health-employment nexus of the wage rates of older workers by using individual-level panel data from the Survey of Health, Ageing, and Retirement in Europe to estimate a system of equations for health, wages, and employment. We find that men (women) who are in relatively better health (measured by a one-unit or a 0.8 standard deviation increase in a health index) have, on average, a 7 percent higher hourly wage rate, which results (at most) in a 2 (3) percentage points higher employment probability. We also show a direct impact of health on employment: men (women) in relatively better health have an 18 (15) percentage points higher employment probability. As regards differences between European countries, our findings indicate that for virtually all country groups, the mediating role of wages in the health-employment nexus is relatively small while the direct impact of health on employment is relatively large and rather similar. Overall, our findings suggest only a minor role for disability income policies likes wage subsidies to encourage the employment of (older) workers with health limitations, but an instrumental role for policy aimed at helping employers accommodate these workers on the job and keep them employed at older ages.

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