
Hybrideseminar: Co-ethnic neighbors and the educational achievements of refugees

Dinsdag 28 januari 2023 geeft Emiel van Bezooijen (University Utrecht) een online presentatie getiteld: "Co-ethnic neighbors and the educational achievements of refugees." Indien u wilt deelnemen stuurt u een e-mail naar Simone Pailer ( U wordt aangemeld bij de receptie of ontvangt een Webex-uitnodiging via Outlook. Journalisten dienen zich tevens te melden bij woordvoerder Jeannette Duin:

28 februari 2023
13:00 - 14:00
CPB, Braamzaal, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag - en online (Webex). Indien u wilt deelnemen stuurt u een e-mail naar Simone Pailer ( U wordt aangemeld bij de receptie of ontvangt een Webex-uitnodiging via Outlook
Emiel van Bezooijen (University Utrecht)

This paper examines the effects of growing up among co-ethnic neighbors on the educational achievements of refugee children at different phases of their education career. We exploit a Dutch refugee dispersal policy between 1999 and 2009 that quasi-randomly assigned refugee-immigrants to their initial place of residence in the Netherlands. We find that being assigned to localities with more co-ethnic neighbors adversely impacts exit test scores at the end of primary school, as well as the probability of receiving a higher general- or pre-university secondary school track recommendation, the probability of being in these tracks in the third year of high school and receiving a diploma in these tracks at age 19. The negative impact of co-ethnic neighbors is driven by those residing in close proximity and those from the same country of origin. We find no evidence that the quality of the co-ethnic neighbors, measured by the adult co-ethnic employment rate affects education outcomes.
