June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

Differences in income continue to exist over generations. Children with a migrant background have, on average, a lower income with the same income of the parents than children without a migrant background. They participate less in the labor market and earn a lower hourly wage, even with the same education.
Income differences across migrant groups

Reducing income disparities is important for an equal society and exploiting the labor potential. If political parties want to do something about the income differences, it would seem useful to focus on further increasing the educational level of people with a migrant background and on improving their chances on the labor market. The Policy Brief is only available in Dutch. The background document about income differences is in English.

This publication is in Dutch, there is no English translation!
June 12, 2019
Het inkomen van personen met een Marokkaanse, Turkse, Surinaamse en Antilliaanse migratieachtergrond lag tussen 2003 en 2017 lager dan van personen zonder migratieachtergrond. De inkomensverschillen hangen samen met verschillen in arbeidsparticipatie en -inkomen.

Dit blijkt uit het achtergronddocument 'Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond in kaart'.  Hierin analyseert het CPB verschillen in inkomen tussen personen zonder en personen met een migratieachtergrond in Nederland tussen 2003 en 2017. Centraal in de analyses staat de populatie tussen 30 en 40 jaar. Voor deze groep brengen we verschillen in persoonlijk en huishoudinkomen in kaart en kijken we welke factoren bijdragen aan deze verschillen. 


Patrick Koot
Egbert Jongen
June 12, 2019
This paper investigates income disparities across natives and the most prominent migrant groups in the Netherlands, those with a Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese, or Antillean background. We use administrative data on incomes to estimate the relationship between child income and parental income for natives and each of the migrant groups separately.

On average, migrant children end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.


Egbert Jongen
Patrick Koot


Egbert Jongen
Patrick Koot
Daniel van Vuuren

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