Data Science
CPB always strives to enrich its scientific and policy-oriented research with data science techniques, thus offering more insight into important social issues. To this end, we are always gathering new knowledge on new data-driven forecasting methods (machine learning) and disseminate this knowledge both within CPB and to the outside world.
May 14, 2024
De voorspellende waarde van toetsen uit het LVS
July 6, 2023
Greep op selectie-algoritmes
July 5, 2023
Selectie door algoritmes kan wel representatief
The added value of machine learning for macroeconomic forecasting in the NetherlandsThe Costs of Affirmative Action: Evidence from a Medical School LotteryDe voorspellende waarde van toetsen uit het leerlingvolgsysteem voor de eindtoetsCausal forests with fixed effects for treatment effect heterogeneity in difference-in-differencesGreep op selectie-algoritmes