The COVID-19 crisis continues to have widespread social impact. CPB focuses on economic issues in relation to the coronavirus, such as the impact of the crisis and COVID-19-related policies on business productivity and employment.
January 21, 2025

Meer coronasteun in landen met hoge staatsschuld

Data shows that countries with higher pre-pandemic debt levels implemented more discretionary fiscal policy measures in the Covid-19 pandemic than countries with lower debt levels. This contrasts with theories of fiscal...

Covid virus
June 18, 2024

Lessen van het coronasteunbeleid

De coronasteun was tijdig, maaronvoldoende tijdelijk en beperkt gericht. Steun werd niet snel afgebouwd, terwijl de economie veerkrachtig herstel toonde.

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December 7, 2023

An economic analysis of the TOZO

The Temporary Support Scheme for Self-Employed Persons (Tozo) supported self-employed entrepreneurs during the coronavirus crisis. This is the conclusion from a CPB study.

hairdresser in corona
April 5, 2023

Bedrijven met veel telewerkers boekten meer omzet in coronajaar 2020

Nederlandse bedrijven die relatief veel telewerkers in dienst hadden in 2019 behaalden in 2020 een hogere omzetgroei dan bedrijven met minder telewerkers. Digitale verkoopkanalen en veel investeringen in software en IT leken bedrijven geen hogere omzetgroei op te leveren.

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December 8, 2022


In een tijd van crises kan een crisissfeer ontstaan, waarin te weinig tijd genomen wordt voor een oplossing. Inzichten om dat te helpen voorkomen, kun je halen uit het beleid tijdens de coronacrisis, stelt Bastiaan Overvest in zijn column.

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November 1, 2022

Lessen uit de coronacrisis voor huidig steunbeleid

Op 1 november nam CPB-directeur Pieter Hasekamp samen met Klaas Knot (president DNB) deel aan de sociaaleconomische ‘Vierhoek’. Zij spraken daar met de bewindspersonen over de ervaringen met het coronasteunbeleid en...

June 22, 2021

Projections June 2021

The economy is rapidly recovering, under decreasing numbers of new infections and increasing vaccination coverage. The economy is projected to grow by over 3% in both 2021 and 2022.

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March 31, 2021

Projections March 2021

Economic recovery in sight, but coronavirus effects linger on. In the baseline projections the economy is expected to grow by over 2% in 2021 and 3.5% in 2022.

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November 26, 2020

Economic outlook 2021

Economy will recover in 2021, provided coronavirus is under control

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November 26, 2020

Actualisatie MLT 2022-2025

Corona dempt groei productiviteit en arbeidsaanbod op middellange termijn.

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September 15, 2020

Projections September 2020

Extension of support package reduces increase in unemployment, but also leads to greater budget deficit.

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September 15, 2020

Actualisatie MLT 2022-2025

Corona dempt groei productiviteit en arbeidsaanbod.

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June 22, 2021

Projections June 2021, figures

The economy is rapidly recovering, under decreasing numbers of new infections and increasing vaccination coverage. The economy is projected to grow by over 3% in both 2021 and 2022....

March 31, 2021

Projections March 2021 (CEP 2021), figures

After the decrease in GDP that was caused by the second wave of the coronavirus, economic recovery is gradually gaining momentum in the second quarter. Growth is projected to accelerate in the second half of the year,...

March 31, 2021

Actualisatie MLT-raming maart 2021, cijfers

Naast het Centraal Economisch Plan 2021 is vandaag een actualisatie van de middellangetermijnverkenning gepubliceerd. Deze biedt een doorkijk naar 2022-2025 en kan worden gebruikt voor de doorrekening van het...

March 25, 2021

World trade at record levels

World merchandise trade continued to grow in January 2021, with 2.6% compared to December 2020, leading to the highest level of world trade since October 2018.

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February 25, 2021

World trade exceeds the old level

With an increase of 0.6% in December 2020 (compared to November), world trade exceeds the level of early 2020. The loss due to the COVID pandemic in the first half of 2020, has been made up for with a growth of 1.3% over the whole of 2020.

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January 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor

World trade volume increased 2.1% in November 2020 compared to October, following an increase of 0.7% in October and seems to be unaffected by COVID measures. With this, the world trade volume is slightly higher than at the end of 2019, pre-COVID.

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