October 25, 2007

The economic effects Croatia's accession to the EU

EU-lidmaatschap Kroatië goed voor toename welvaart

Press release
Als Kroatië lid wordt van de Europese Unie (EU) kan de welvaart in Kroatië na ongeveer 15 jaar met 2,6% toenemen als gevolg van de toetreding tot de interne markt.

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Consumption per capita in Croatia is estimated to rise by about 2.5% as a result of accession to the internal market. In particular the textile and wearing apparel sectors expand. If Croatia succeeds in reforming its domestic institutions in response to the EU-membership, income levels in Croatia could increase even more. In particular, tentative estimates suggest that GDP per capita in Croatia could even rise by additional 8%. Overall, the macroeconomic implications for the existing EU countries are negligible.


A. Mervar
Gerard Verweij

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