International analysis

Through international analyses, CPB provides up-to-date, accurate and relevant information about the impact of international factors on the Dutch economy. To this end, it researches the medium-term impact of these factors. International short-term forecasts are contributing to CPB's projections, the latter of which are accompanied by short-term studies on the international factors that have an impact in those projections. The Dutch economy is highly dependent on the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital within the European Union (the Four Freedoms of the single market). In the coming years and in this context, CPB will in any event focus on the position of the Netherlands in international value chains and the related issues around geoeconomics, as well as on European macro-financial issues. It, furthermore, will be working on an outlook study that explores migration issues.
International analysis
June 10, 2024

Risicorapportage Financiële Markten 2024

Geopolitieke spanningen vormen op dit moment het belangrijkste risico voor de Nederlandse economie en de financiële stabiliteit. Huishoudens en bedrijven kunnen eventuele schokken wel beter opvangen dan in het verleden.

No title
June 6, 2024

Nederland is economisch niet veilig

Kunnen we zonder internationale handel? En wat doet dit met de economische veiligheid van Nederland? In het kader van de Europese verkiezingen bespreekt Marcel Timmer het.

No title
May 23, 2024

Het ene tarief is het andere niet

CBAM, de nieuwe Europese CO2-invoerheffing, beprijst een negatief extern effect: CO2-uitstoot. De CBAM zorgt dat er minder CO2-uitstoot uit de EU ‘weglekt’. CPB’er Rutger Teulings gaat hier dieper op in.

No title
April 25, 2024

European Carbon Import Tax Effective Against Leakage

Starting in 2026, the EU is gradually introducing a carbon import tax at the EU border (CBAM), to counter carbon emissions relocation to outside the EU. CBAM reduces this carbon leakage by about one-third.

April 9, 2024

Economic dynamics and migration

Migration is largely driven by labour demand. This implies that, beyond direct migration policies, economic policies can also play a significant role in shaping migration to and from the Netherlands. This is the conclusion of the report “Economic Dynamics and Migration” that the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis published on 9 April, of which an English version is now available.

No title
March 14, 2024

Een handelscijfer vertelt niet het hele verhaal

Een cijfer zegt niet alles. Wat betekent het als het Westen zich loskoppelt van China en Rusland? Het korte antwoord is 0,4%, maar wat betekent dit? In haar column gaat CPB’er Gerdien Meijerink hier op in.

No title
December 13, 2016

Decemberraming 2016: economische vooruitzichten 2017

De economische groei zet door. Zowel dit jaar, als in 2017 neemt het bbp met 2,1% toe. De werkloosheid daalt volgend jaar naar 5,3% en de overheidsbegroting is in evenwicht. De koopkracht neemt toe met 0,7%. De internationale omgeving blijft echter onzeker.

September 20, 2016

Macro Economic Outlook (MEV) 2017

In this publication CPB presents its analyses and projections of both the Dutch and worldwide economy in 2016 and 2017.

March 21, 2016

Central Economic Plan (CEP) 2016

The moderate rate of economic recovery is continuing, on a global level, with a 2.9% growth in the world economy projected for this year, and 3.2% for the next.

August 23, 2024

World Trade Monitor June 2024

World Merchandise trade increased with 0.7% in June 2024 compared to the previous month, following an decrease of 0.3% in May. This is evident from the monthly CPB World Trade Monitor.

World Trade Monitor June 2024
July 25, 2024

World Trade Monitor May 2024

World Merchandise trade increased with 0.1% in May 2024 compared to the previous month, following an increase of 1.1% in April.

World Trade Monitor May 2024
June 25, 2024

World Trade Monitor April 2024

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade increased 1.5% in April, having decreased 1.1% in March.

World Trade Monitor April 2024 UK
May 24, 2024

World Trade Monitor March 2024

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade decreased 0.6% in March, having increased 1.6% in February.

World Trade Monitor March 2024 UK
April 25, 2024

World Trade Monitor February 2024

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade increased 1.0% in February, having decreased 0.7% in January (initial estimate 0.9%).

World Trade February 2024 UK
March 25, 2024

World Trade Monitor January 2024

World Merchandise trade increased with 0.9% in January 2024 compared to the previous month, following an increase of 0.8% in December. This is evident from the monthly CPB World Trade Monitor.

World Trade January 2024
