September 16, 2003
Social Europe. European Outlook 1: Annex to State of the European Union 2004
Eén Europees sociaal beleid is nog een brug te ver
Press release
Deze eerste verkenning, die op Prinsjesdag verschijnt als bijlage bij de 'Staat van de Europese Unie 2004' besteedt onder meer aandacht aan de publieke opinie in Nederland en andere EU-lidstaten over de Europese integratie. Verder wordt ingegaan op een aantal aspecten van de sociale dimensie van de Europese integratie.
We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.
‘Brussels’ does not figure large in public opinion, and the daily television update of the Dutch political scene, in the form of the programme Den Haag Vandaag is not matched by even a weekly counterpart on Europe. Although the attitude of the Dutch population to the European Union is positive in itself, the practicalities of European co-operation are seen primarily as the colourless outcome of the work of bureaucrats. An estimated 60% of all new Dutch legislation is in fact European in origin, but in everyday life the ordinary man in the street is less aware of this than of the convenience of open borders and the general use of the euro.
English, Pdf, 537.8 KB
Sjef Ederveen
Paul Dekker
Ruud de Mooij
Gerda Jehoel-Gijsbers
Arjan Soede
Jean Marie Wildeboer Schut