June 27, 2007

RAM; regional labour market model for The Netherlands

Regionale verschillen in werkgelegenheidsontwikkeling vooral door spreiding woningnieuwbouw

Press release
Specifieke regionale omstandigheden zijn slechts in beperkte mate van invloed op de demografische en economische vooruitzichten in Nederlandse regio's. De invloed van nationale ontwikkelingen overheerst sterk.

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The model follows a top down approach, while generating internally consistent time paths on the regional distribution of population and employment and their interaction with the housing stock. The main model equations have been founded on an econometric analysis of developments in the last three decades, which indicates that housing supply has driven net internal migration and that employment adjusts to the regional population in the long run. The regional level is NUTS3, but results are mostly presented on a more aggregated level. Besides a short overview of the relevant historical regional developments and of the model equations, the publication also contains a description of the WLO-scenarios as well as some sensitivity analyses.

This publication is in Dutch.


Wouter Vermeulen
Jelte Haagsma

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