September 7, 2009
Economic consequences of sharpening the regulation of easening Sunday shopping
Minder koopzondagen: weinig gevolgen voor Nederlandse economie
Press release
Het kabinet wil de toerismebepaling in de Winkeltijdenwet aanscherpen om het oneigenlijk gebruik van de koopzondagregeling tegen te gaan. Deze wijziging zal een gering effect op de Nederlandse economie hebben, omdat het aantal koopzondagen in slechts weinig gemeenten zal dalen.
We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.
For the whole economy, the economic impact of less Sunday opening hours on employment and sales is limited in the long run, but for individual shops it should not be sniffed at.
In the short run, there are one-off costs to find new jobs for shop workers loosing their jobs due to less Sunday opening hours. There can also be differences in consequences within the retail trade and between municipalities.
Moreover, welfare will diminish for some consumers, whereas it will increase for others.
This publication is in Dutch.
Henry van der Wiel
Bert Minne