February 8, 2006

Dropping out from school in The Netherlands; magnitude, policy and results.

Positieve financiële prikkels kunnen voortijdig schoolverlaten verminderen

Press release
Financiële prikkels voor leerlingen, leraren of scholen lijken het meeste perspectief te bieden om voortijdig schoolverlaten terug te dringen. Voorbeelden zijn periodieke financiële bijdragen voor deelname aan onderwijs na de leerplichtige leeftijd en bonussen voor het behalen van diploma's.

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Early school-leaving worsens one’s labour-market perspectives and may cause higher costs for society, for example in terms of increased crime or public expenditures on social welfare. So far, it is not known whether Dutch dropout-prevention policies contribute to a reduction of school dropout. The empirical literature shows that dropout can be reduced by positive financial incentives for students, teachers or schools. A couple of intensive and sustained mentoring programs targeted on the social development of students at risk have also proven to be effective. The characteristics of successful foreign interventions can serve as a starting point for the design of effective policy experiments in the Netherlands. Finally, this document sketches an opportunity for an evaluation of an important Dutch policy instrument based on a natural experiment.

This publication is in Dutch.


Marc van der Steeg
Dinand Webbink

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