Cost-benefit analysis of the South Axis in Amsterdam.
Baten ondertunneling infrastructuur Zuidas Amsterdam dekken de kosten grotendeels
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In the first step, the extension of all transport infrastructure for cars, train, metro and railway station has been studied. Here, only the costs equal to 1.1 billion euro could be measured. Benefits are missing in this part of the CBA because at the time of finishing the report, no reliable figures for car traffic were available.
The second step of the CBA has analysed the effects of bringing the transport infrastructure underground. This costs 1.5 billion euro. As a result, extra building sites become available which yield a profit of 1 billion euro. Therefore, the business part of the CBA shows a considerable deficit. However, there are favourable external effects on the quality of the buildup environment and the productivity of firms in the area. The value of these effects has been estimated to equal 360 million euro. On balance, this second step of the CBA shows a deficit of 80 million euro. There is, however, a great uncertainty margin around this figure.
This publication is in Dutch.