September 13, 2006

China and the Dutch economy

Opkomst China gunstig voor Nederlandse economie

Press release
China's spectaculaire economische groei in de afgelopen decennia heeft per saldo een positief effect gehad op de Nederlandse economie. Relatief goedkope importen hebben de Nederlandse inflatie verminderd. De toegenomen exporten vanuit China hebben de rol van Nederland als doorvoerland naar het Europese achterland versterkt.

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Increasing Chinese exports to Europe have strengthened the role of the Netherlands as a key European distribution centre. Strongly increasing Chinese exports did not have a noticeable impact on the pace of restructuring in the Netherlands. Nor did this development lead to higher unemployment or did it cause a marked widening of Dutch income differentials. Concerning competition on world markets, Chinese export products are more complements than substitutes for Dutch export products.

The Chinese economy is expected to continue its rapid expansion. Over the next five years, Chinese exports are likely to double. Increasing trade with China will continue and is expected to enhance Dutch welfare in the upcoming years and will continue to be associated with modest increases in competition and continued restructuring on some markets.


China and the Dutch economy
English, Pdf, 826 KB


Wim Suyker
Henri de Groot

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