April 24, 2009

Assessment of 23 projects in the areas of research, innovation and education 2008

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis has been requested by the government to assess a number of projects submitted for funding by an innovation budget of 279 mln euros called ‘FES’.

This publication presents the assessment of 23 projects in the areas of research, innovation and education. Eight of these projects were assessed by ECORYS under the responsibility of CPB. The central question in the assessment is whether the project is expected to contribute to social welfare. The goal of the assessment is to provide information to the Dutch cabinet for its final selection process.

Five projects have received a positive evaluation, seven a neutral (to positive) one, and eleven projects a negative assessment. The projects in the area of ‘Research infrastructure’ score best on average. Only one of these projects is expected to reduce overall welfare. The picture in the area of education (tacking the shortage of teachers) is the most negative. All five projects have received a negative evaluation.

Given the short time span of the project, the analysis has the character of a quick scan.

This publication is in Dutch.


Free Huizinga
Annemiek Verrips