October 15, 2020
Promising policies for integration on the labour market, English summary
Opportunities for improving the labour market position of people with a migration background
Press release
There are large and persistent differences in the labour market participation of people with and without a migration background. Currently, 61% of people with a non-Western migration (aged 15-74) in the Netherlands is working. This percentage is 69% for the people without a migration background. This difference is likely to become larger during the COVID-19 crisis. The government and employers can narrow the gap with certain measures. Promising policy options are: earlier access to the labour market for new migrants, smarter placement of migrants in different regions and larger financial incentives for employment both for workers and employers. More equal opportunities in recruitment and selection can help mitigate labour market discrimination. An analysis of a large set of policy options can be found in ‘Promising policies for integration on the labour market’, published on October 15th jointly by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) and the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP).

Pdf, 191.9 KB
External authors: Jaco Dagevos (SCP), Sander Muns (SCP).
Egbert Jongen