October 29, 2001

Participating in the development of the Joint Strike Fighter; a rough cost-benefit analysis

Opvolger F16: 'Van de plank kopen' biedt meer voordelen dan deelname in ontwikkeling JSF

Press release
De voordelen voor het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven van overheidsdeelname in de ontwikkeling van de Joint Strike Fighter wegen niet op tegen de kosten en de verminderde keuzevrijheid bij aanschaf rond 2007. Deelname zorgt weliswaar voor extra activiteiten bij de betrokken bedrijven, maar het merendeel gaat ten koste van activiteit elders in Nederland.

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The CPB Netherlands' Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis has been asked to analyse the economid effects of this participation.
Based on a rough cost benefit analysis, the study concludes that participation will lead to higher costs and will limit the range of options for the government in the next five years. The benefits for the Dutch economy in terms of now-how and spill-over effects do not appear to be sufficient to offset the costs. From an economic point of view, buying-off-the-shelf in a later stage seems to have more advantages than participation in the development of the JSF.

This publication is in Dutch.

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