May 19, 2008

Effects of converting the road tax (MRB) into a tariff per kilometre

Voordelen van omzetting van BPM in een kilometerprijs wegen niet op tegen nadelen

Press release
Als de aanschafbelasting op nieuwe personenauto's (BPM) zou worden meegenomen in een kilometerprijs, neemt het autogebruik sterker af dan wanneer alleen de motorrijtuigenbelasting (MRB) wordt omgezet. Hierdoor vermindert de uitstoot van CO2 en vervuilende stoffen verder. De verkeersveiligheid verbetert en de files worden iets korter.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.

Major goal is to start with a full operational system in 2016 in which every car user will pay a tariff per driven kilometre. Starting point is that for the average car user, the car mobility will not be more or less expensive. In order to accomplish this, the fixed car and road taxes will be abolished. Point of departure is to convert the road tax (MRB) into a tariff per kilometre. In this report is examined what the impacts are in case the purchase tax for private cars (BPM) will be incorporated into a price per kilometre as well.

This publication is in Dutch.


Paul Besseling
K. Geurs
Rik Lebouille
H. Hilbers
M. Thissen

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