October 30, 2003
Effects of introducing an income-contingent loan system in Dutch higher education
Ruimte voor verhoging van private bijdragen aan hoger onderwijs
Press release
Studeren in het hoger onderwijs lijkt een goede investering. Een jaar wetenschappelijk onderwijs levert naar schatting gemiddeld 7 tot 9 procent meer loon voor afgestudeerden op.
We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.
The CUNS asked CPB to analyse the economic effects of repayments of student loans. The research is carried out in two phases. For the first phase six specific questions were addressed:
- What are the consequences of the introduction of a loan system for the repayment capacity of graduates?
- What is the effect of a study debt on the income position of graduates?
- What are the consequences of the introduction of the loan system on the labour force participation of graduates?
- What is the effect of a study debt on wage formation?
- What are the macroeconomic consequences of all these aspects?
- What are the consequences of the loan system for the accessibility of higher education?
The main text aims to answer these questions. In the second phase additional questions were asked to CPB. This concerns the effects of proposals from student organisations. Our response to these questions are in the annex.
This publication is in Dutch.
Bas Jacobs
Erik Canton
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