Noblesse Oblige: Findings CPB Audit Committe 2016
The members of the Audit Committee are: Aart de Geus (Chair), Hugo Keuzenkamp, Erzo F.P. Luttmer, Charles van Marrewijk, Jolande Sap, Reinhilde Veugelers and Hans van der Vlist.
The Committe writes in its report that "CPB is making an outstanding contribution to society" and that "the bureau plays an important role in the policy debates in the Dutch House of Representatives and beyond". The analysis of election manifestos, published in ‘Chartered Choices’, is one of CPB’s most prominent activities. In their discussions with politicians, the Audit Committee learned that there is great appreciation for the publication, as it enables a comparison between party proposals and contributes to the quality of the debate.
The Committee states that CPB "conducts very good internationally achnowledged research". The scientists who were interviewed by the Audit Committee were also very positive about the quality of CPB’s work. CPB’s MICSIM model on the long-term labour market, for example, is considered als state of the art, the best possible at this moment. With this model, CPB predicts the long-term effects of changes in the tax and social-security system.
One of the recommendations of the audit committee to CPB is to address greater urgency to the development of the new macroeconomic model in cooperation with other organizations. The committee further advises to make more clear that CPB does not make policy proposals in the 'promising-policy' publications, but only presents options. The Committee also advises CPB to discuss the choices of themes with political parties and societal organisations.
In the first publication mentioned below, the self-assessment, CPB presents it self to the Audit Committee.