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There are 213 search results.
July 25, 2017

CPB World Trade Monitor May 2017

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade increased 2.0% month‐on‐month (growth was ‐2.2% in April, initial estimate ‐2.1%).

Release date next CPB World Trade Monitor

The release of the next monthly CPB World Trade Monitor is scheduled tentatively for 25 July...

July 11, 2017

Vormgeving van Evidence-Informed Beleid

Presentation used by Laura van Geest during the 'Kennis & Beleid Congres 2017', organized by Science Works, in The Hague, 2017, June 22.

July 6, 2017

A lost generation? The early career effects of graduating during a recession

We estimate the effect of graduating during a recession on the early careers of high educated graduates in the Netherlands between 1996 and 2012. Exploiting field-specifi c differences in un-employment rates, we fi nd that graduates on average suffer a 2.3% lower wage in a typical recession in their first year.

July 4, 2017

Seminar ‘Does targeted school budget support reduce achievement inequality?’

Tuesday July 4th 2017 Joppe de Ree (CPB) will give a presentation titled ‘‘Does targeted school budget support reduce achievement...

July 3, 2017

Cyber Security Risk Assessment (CSRA) for the Economy

Society is digitising. The five most valuable companies in the world are ICT companies. The Dutch population makes extensive use of the Internet, and the government is also focusing increasingly on the use of digital means. This digitisation also involves an increase in the economic importance of cyber security.

July 3, 2017

Voorkomen beter dan genezen, ook in cyberwereld

Voorkomen is beter dan genezen. Dit geldt zeker voor de aanpak van cybercriminaliteit.

June 29, 2017

Seminar: ‘Experimenting with school dropout policies: three bottom-up approaches’

Thursday June 29th 2017 Karen van der Wiel (CPB) will give a presentation titled ‘Experimenting with school dropout policies: three bottom-up...

June 28, 2017

Seminar ‘More unequal, but more mobile? Earnings inequality and mobility in OECD countries’

Wednesday June 28th 2017 Alexander Hijzen (OECD will give a presentation titled ‘More unequal, but more mobile? Earnings inequality and mobility in OECD countries’ ...

June 23, 2017

Pleidooi voor een experiment met eigen risico in de zorg

De politiek is verdeeld over het eigen risico in de zorg. Dit biedt een uitgelezen kans voor de nieuwe regering om de effecten van het eigen risico eens goed te onderzoeken. Daarvoor is een experiment nodig waarbij het eigen risico voor een gerandomiseerde groep wordt kwijtgescholden. De kabinetsformatie is een ideaal moment om hierover afspraken te maken.