
Seminar ‘Does targeted school budget support reduce achievement inequality?’

Tuesday July 4th 2017 Joppe de Ree (CPB) will give a presentation titled ‘‘Does targeted school budget support reduce achievement inequality?’

July 4, 2017
CPB-Office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, room 3, ‘Braamzaal’

Time:                   13:00-14:00 Hrs

Venue:                CPB-Office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, room 3, ‘Braamzaal’

Presentation:  Joppe de Ree (CPB)

Discussant:      Robert Dur (EUR)

Language:        English

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CPB seminars are aimed at researchers and policymakers. During the seminars preliminary research findings are presented for discussion. These preliminary findings are not intended for publicity. If you are a journalist and interested in one of our seminars, please contact Suzanne van Gils: 06 21560776.

A valid ID-card is requested for external visitors entering the CPB-office. An estimated waiting time at the reception is 5 to 10 minutes.  Are you in possession of a ‘’Rijkspas’? If so, you can walk through directly to the seminar room, in case you filled out the following form: InterDepartementale Toegang.


This paper studies the rationale for and effectiveness of unconditional budget support for primary schools with many disadvantaged students. First, we present a simple economic model that could explain why governments choose to hand out these grants unconditionally and why schools then spend the unconditional funds on tutoring the underperformers. Second, we study an additional Dutch budget scheme for disadvantaged students at schools in relatively adverse neighborhoods. We show that school boards actually distribute funds over individual schools according to the government’s wishes. Moreover we show that schools do spend the money on extra teaching personnel. However, by exploiting the geographic cut-off rule in the budget formula, RD-estimates show that the extra teachers are not able to improve the performance of disadvantaged students, nor of the other students.

The CPB organises seminars for researchers. During these CPB Seminars, always held on Tuesday from 1.00 pm. to 2.00 pm., academic papers are presented and discussed.

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Disclaimer: 'The views and analysis presented in the seminar do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the CPB'


Photo of Wiljan van den Berge
Wiljan van den Berge +31 88 9846230 Get in touch Read more