April 16, 2008

Static efficiency in Dutch supermarket chain

Consumenten profiteren van toegenomen concurrentie onder supermarkten en fabrikanten

Press release
In de periode 1993-2005 heeft een verdere concentratie plaatsgevonden onder supermarkten. Anders dan wellicht te verwachten viel, heeft dit niet geleid tot hogere winstmarges voor de supermarkten.

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 Special attention has been paid to recent theories of buyer power of retailers in the vertical chain. Theory suggests that supermarkets can enhance their buyer power by, for instance, using own private brands as an outside option in bargaining with manufacturers. Using firm-level data, indicators reveal that profit margins of both supermarkets and of manufacturers have declined between 1993 and 2005. Hence, competition on these markets seems to have become tougher and mark-ups lower over time. Furthermore, we find no significant empirical indications that supermarkets were able to use their buyer power to shift profits from manufacturers to supermarkets after 1993. Finally, all else equal, in terms of welfare consumers have benefited from fiercer competition in terms of lower prices.



Harold Creusen
Arno Meijer
Gijsbert Zwart
Henry van der Wiel