November 5, 2009

Special care for children with learning and/or behavioural difficulties

Kosten zorgleerlingen blijven stijgen, terwijl kennis over effecten beleid ontbreekt

Press release
Leerlingen met een handicap, oftewel zorgleerlingen, krijgen veel aandacht van het beleid. De kosten van hun onderwijs en aanvullende voorzieningen, zoals vergoedingen voor thuishulp of uitgaven aan Jeugdzorg, zijn hoog en stijgen sterk.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.

This report analyses the reasons for this increase taking into account the impact of related policies.

The increase in expenditures for primary education is closely related to the shift to more expensive forms of special education and the rise in the number of 'disabled' children with a voucher for attending the regular primary school (in Dutch: rugzakleerlingen). This increase is probably due to new policy measures that have attracted new 'disabled' children without binding financial constraints.

Finally, information about the effectiveness of policies for 'disabled' children in terms of prospects or net social returns is hardly available.

This publication is in Dutch.


Bert Minne
Dinand Webbink
Henry van der Wiel