April 8, 2002

In focus: The metal-electro industry in the Netherlands 2001-2003 - april 2002

CPB: Industrie groeit dit jaar vrijwel niet

Press release
De industrie zal dit jaar nauwelijks kunnen profiteren van het verwachte conjunctuurherstel. Mede vanwege de verslechterde concurrentiepositie als gevolg van de relatief forse stijging van de arbeidskosten verliest de industrie marktaandeel ten opzichte van buitenlandse concurrenten.

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This forecast looks pessimistic but it hides underlying positive signs. For, departing from this bottom-level, in the course of this year an upward trend will set in, but probably too late and not strong enough to fully overcome this year to year dip. Thus despite these ascending lines this year's total real sales and production will yet decrease. Most of the positive effects of the upward trend during this year will be carried over to the more significant positive growth in 2003 on an annual basis, during which this upward trend is expected to continue. Profitability will recover only in 2003 supported by an accelerating growth of labour productivity at the cost of employment. So, after the rise in employment in recent years, the downturn since the second half of 2001 will continue its negative course in both years following.


Herman Noordman