February 18, 2004

Equal availability, unequal enforcement? An analysis of the consequences of the regional allocation of the police budget

Verdeling politiebudget leidt tot regionale ongelijkheid criminaliteitsbestrijding

Press release
De kans dat de politie een aangegeven misdrijf oplost, hangt af van de regio waarin het slachtoffer woont. Een belangrijke oorzaak is dat de huidige verdeling van het politiebudget niet in lijn ligt met de criminaliteitsdruk in een regio, maar sterk wordt bepaald door de wens tot gelijkheid in de beschikbaarheid en bereikbaarheid van de politie.

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An analysis of the policies pursued over the last ten years shows that there is a trade-off between equality in crime fighting and equality in availability of the police. There is such a trade-off since rural regions allocate a similar share of their resources to criminal investigations as urban forces. Given the wish for equality in availability of the police, rural regions receive relatively generous resources given their crime rates. Being available for a relatively dispersed population is a costly issue after all.

As a result of the budget allocation between and within the police forces, rural regions are on an equal footing in terms of availability and can show even better crime clear-up rates than urban regions. With more flexibility in the allocation of the forces' budgets, greater equality in crime fighting could be achieved without greater inequality in availability of the police. That outcome could be achieved by shifting criminal investigation resources from regions with generous resources given their crime rates to regions with scarce resources given their crime rates.

This publication is in Dutch.


Ben Vollaard