March 3, 2009

Concurrentie, innovatie en intellectuele eigendomsrechten in software markten

Open source software kan vervolginnovaties bevorderen

Press release
Als softwaregebruikers eenmaal gekozen hebben voor een bepaalde software-'familie', dan blijven zij die vaak lang gebruiken. Vanwege deze geringe neiging tot overstappen kunnen nieuwe leveranciers moeilijk tot de markt toetreden.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.

To consider whether policy intervention can increase dynamic efficiency, we discuss the differences between proprietary software and open source software with respect to the incentives to innovate and market failures that may occur. The document proposes guidelines to determine which types of policy intervention may be suitable.

Our most important finding is that directly stimulating open source software, e.g. by acting as a lead customer, can improve dynamic efficiency if (i) there is a serious customer lock-in problem, while (ii) to develop the software, there is no need to purchase specific, complementary inputs at a substantial cost, and (iii) follow-on innovations are socially valuable but there are impediments to contractual agreements between developers that aim at realizing such innovations.

This publication is in Dutch.


Michiel Bijlsma
Paul de Bijl
Viktoria Kocsis