June 16, 2005
Assessing investment proposals in the field of knowledge, environment and spatial economics
CPB beoordeelt investeringsvoorstellen kennis, milieu en ruimtelijke economie
Press release
Hogere aardgasbaten maken een nieuwe investeringsimpuls in de economische structuur mogelijk. In het Paasakkoord is afgesproken het accent hierbij relatief sterk op kennisinvesteringen te leggen. De helft van de extra gelden voor het Fonds Economische Structuurversterking (FES) is bestemd voor kennisprojecten.
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CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis has been requested by ICRE to assess a number of projects submitted in connection with the FES windfall of about 1 billion euro, and the decision-making for the domain nature and environment for the period 2011-2014. Point of departure for the assessment is the question whether the project is expected to contribute to social welfare. The goal of the assessment is to provide information in order to support the appraisal by the Dutch cabinet. Because of the short time span of the project, the analysis has the character of a quick scan.
This publication is in Dutch.