May 30, 2012
CPB Financial Stability Report
CPB: schuldencrisis blijft grootste gevaar voor Nederlandse economie
Press release
De Europese schuldencrisis blijft het belangrijkste gevaar voor de Nederlandse economie. De centrale vraag is of Spanje, en op langere termijn Italië, erin slagen de noodzakelijke hervormingen en bezuinigingen door te voeren.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.
The findings relating to developments in the financial markets as indicated in the 2012 Central Economic Plan (CEP) are used as the basis of this report with respect to the CPB section. As CPB has limited capacity for preparing such reports in terms of staffing levels, the analysis is limited to a description of the main risks. The fact that no other risks are mentioned does not necessarily mean that these do not exist.
English, Pdf, 784 KB
Michiel Bijlsma
Remco Mocking
Nancy van Beers