March 23, 2004
A snapshot of the AWBZ: an analysis of its strengths and weaknesses
Gemoderniseerde AWBZ is meer klantgericht, maar doelmatigheid kan groter
Press release
De modernisering van de Algemene Wet Bijzondere Ziektekosten (AWBZ) en het bestrijden van de wachtlijsten hebben de klantgerichtheid, de toegankelijkheid en de flexibiliteit verbeterd. De doelmatigheid is wel toegenomen, maar zou nog groter kunnen. De beheersbaarheid van de kosten in deze sector is echter verslechterd.
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The modernised AWBZ is described and the incentives of the different actors in the AWBZ are analysed. Using this information, the feasibility of reaching the policy goals with the current incentives is analysed. The modernisation has strengthened the position of the patients and efficiency has been improved. However, controlling the development of the macro-economic costs became more difficult. And the incentives for efficiency and quality of care are still not sufficient. Possible ways to improve the organisation of the AWBZ are cursorily explored. For an exhaustive analysis further research is needed.
This publication is in Dutch.
C. Folmer