January 25, 2006
Accuracy of short-term CPB forecasts for the years 1971-2004; Including a comparison with nine other institutes
Verschillen in trefzekerheid van ramingen zijn gering
Press release
Er zijn meerdere instanties die ramingen maken voor de ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse economie in het lopende en het komende jaar. De verschillen in trefzekerheid van deze ramingen tussen de diverse instanties waren in de periode 1998-2004 gering.
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In this report, we focus on the track record of the short-term forecasts for the current year and the year ahead published each year in the Macro Economic Outlook on the third Tuesday in September.
In every accuracy report, we pay special attention to one or more specific issues. This time, we zoom in on a comparison of ten national and international institutes' accuracies of GDP-growth forecasts for the Dutch economy. The accuracy of CPB's forecasts is compared with those of EC, OECD, IMF, the Dutch central bank (DNB), ABN-AMRO, ING, NIB Capital Bank, Rabobank and Consensus Forecasts.
This publication is in Dutch.
English, Excel, 57 KB

Johan Verbruggen