April 1, 2004

Second opinion on the global cost-benefit analyses 'Urbanisation Randstad' and 'Corridor'

CPB: aansluiten bij woonwensen biedt gunstige perspectieven voor de welvaart

Press release
Door goed aan te sluiten op de woonvoorkeuren van burgers kunnen grote financieel-economische voordelen worden gerealiseerd. Dit vraagt om een gedifferentieerd aanbod van woningen in de Randstad. Per nieuwe woonlocatie zal telkens een afweging moeten worden gemaakt tussen de woonbaten en de effecten op de omgevingskwaliteit.

We are sorry, unfortunately there is no English translation of this page.

The CBA 'Urbanisation' compares the welfare implications of four different possibilities for the location of 124.000 new houses in the Randstad in the coming 30 years. The CBA 'Corridor' analyses different infrastructural packages for two of these urbanisation alternatives.

The CBA 'Urbanisation' provides plausible results of the housing benefits, but the results of the mobility effects are less reliable. As the mobility effects have a large impact on total CBA-results, this affects the reliability of the overall results of the analysis.

For the CBA 'Corridor' the picture is even less favourable. The underlying transport study generates contra-intuitive results, namely that investments in infrastructure lead to more instead of less congestion. Therefore, this CBA does not offer relevant information for decision making.

This publication is in Dutch.


Annemiek Verrips
Paul Besseling
Wim Groot
Ioulia Ossokina