June 12, 2006

Dutch public finance 2008-2011.

Begrotingsevenwicht in volgende kabinetsperiode

Press release
In een voorzichtig trendmatig scenario met een economische groei van 1,75% per jaar verbetert het begrotingssaldo bij ongewijzigd beleid in de komende kabinetsperiode met 1,1% van het bruto binnenlands product (BBP), ofwel met 6,5 mld euro. In 2011 is dan vrijwel sprake van begrotingsevenwicht.

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In a cautious trend-based scenario with average annual GDP-growth of 1¾%, the budget balance will improve by 1,1% GDP, resulting in a balanced budget in 2011. In a scenario without a precautionary margin, with an annual growth of 2%, the budget improves by an additional 0,4% GDP and a surplus of 0,5% GDP results.

Population ageing and the exhaustion of natural-gas resources require additional policy measures to make the budget sustainable. A constant net benefit of the government for all current and future generations requires policy efforts of some 2% of GDP in the next government’s term.

This publication is in Dutch.



Cees Jansen