
Seminar "A randomized experiment on improving job search skills of older unemployed workers"

Tuesday April 11th 2017 Nynke de Groot (VU) will give a presentation titled " A randomized experiment on improving job search skills of older unemployed workers (joint with Bas van der Klaauw)"

April 11, 2017
CPB-office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, room 3, Braamzaal

Time:                    13:00-14:00 Hrs

Venue:                  CPB-Office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, Den Haag, room 3, Braamzaal

Presentation:   Nynke de Groot (VU) (joint with Bas van der Klaauw)

Discussant:        Rik Dillingh

Language:          English

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It is generally acknowledged that older unemployed workers have a lower probability of returning to work and have a higher risk of becoming long term unemployed. However, little is known about the effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies targeted at this group. In this paper, we study the effects of the job search program Successfully To Employment Program (STEP) for short-term unemployed workers of 50 years and older in the Netherlands. STEP is a ten-week program in which the participants learn basic job search skills and how to use their social network to find jobs. Using a large-scaled randomized experiment which involved 50,000 unemployed older workers, we find that participating in STEP increases the probability of exit from unemployment insurance within one year with about 4.4 percentage points and the probability of having found a job with 2.5 percentage points. However, these effects are confined to individuals with secondary education or higher. We do not find evidence that STEP affected the job quality of the first job after UI.


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Photo of Wiljan van den Berge
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