March 7, 2011
Files accompanying the technical appendix of CPB Discussion Paper 170
This technical appendix serves two purposes. The first describes the procedure of the calculations in details. This may be helpful to those who want to replicate the results or who want to perform similar calculations for other countries. The second purpose is that it records exactly where the data and the calculating procedures are stored.
It contains links to the inputfiles and the outputfiles (both in Excel). It also contains a file that presents how the present value calculations are carried out. However, these calculations are carried out in a model solving program used at CPB and may not be transferable. It serves as an aid for those who want to replicate the calculations but cannot be readily used by other institutions.
English, Excel, 593 KB
English, Excel, 2.3 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 168.5 KB
English, Txt, 7.5 KB
English, Excel, 113.5 KB
English, Excel, 593 KB
English, Excel, 2.3 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 9.2 MB
English, Excel, 9.3 MB
English, Excel, 9.3 MB
English, Excel, 9.3 MB
English, Excel, 9.3 MB
English, Excel, 168.5 KB
English, Excel, 183.5 KB
English, Excel, 26 KB
English, Excel, 27 KB
English, Excel, 28.5 KB
English, Excel, 102 KB
English, Excel, 422.5 KB
English, Excel, 420 KB
English, Excel, 290 KB
English, Excel, 118.5 KB
English, Excel, 2.2 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 2.8 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 2.8 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 2.6 MB
English, Excel, 465 KB
English, Excel, 2.5 MB
English, Excel, 951 KB
English, Excel, 2.3 MB
English, Excel, 2.4 MB
English, Excel, 2.3 MB
English, Excel, 2.3 MB
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