Stefan Boeters
wetenschappelijk medewerker, Sector 2 Macro en internationale economie
Centraal Planbureau
Bezuidenhoutseweg 30
2594 AV Den Haag
- Researcher in the sector "Labour and Education".
- Numerical labour market model with special focus on age-specific labour market effects.
- Further development and application of the global general equilibrium model "WorldScan" and its energy/climate extension.
Current projects
- Project on the labour market for older workers for the Ministry of Social Affairs (SZW).
Previous projects
- Article on labour market modelling in a CGE context for the "Handbook of CGE Modeling" (ed.: D. Jorgenson and P. Dixon).
- MODELS: Model development for the evaluation of the EU Lisbon targets. Implementation of a labour market module for WorldScan with endogenous labour supply and unemployment.
- EU Competitiveness Report 2007: Assessment of the EU biofuel targets.
- IBO: Medium-term (post 2012) scenarios for climate policy.
- TAXBEN: Project for the European Commission to evaluate different aspects of the European public finance system. Focus of WP 5: optimal timing of climate policy, alternative post-Kyoto strategies, interaction of emission trading schemes with pre-existing energy taxes.
Fields of interest
- All aspects of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models.
- Labour market issues in relation to CGE: aggregation of heterogeneous households, macroeconomic aspects of wage negotiations.
- Numerical implementation of optimal taxation problems.
- Environmental economics: climate change, "double dividend", transportation.
- Linking partial and general equilibrium models.
- 1990 - 1995, Studies in Economics, Sociology and Philosophy, University of Marburg.
- 1995, Masters (Diplom) in Economics, University of Marburg.
- 1996 - 1998, Graduate program "Theory of allocation, economic policy and collective decisions" at the University of Dortmund.
- 2000, PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) thesis on the labour market effects of an input factor tax reform.
- Research associate, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Mannheim.
- Referee for Economic Modelling, Computational Economics, FinanzArchiv, International Tax and Public Finance, Journal of Economics, Environmental and Resource Economics, Resource and Energy Economics, Energy Economics, Climate Policy.
- 1998 - 1999, Research assistant at the University of Dortmund.
- 1999 - 2000, Research assistant at the University of Saarland (Saarbrücken).
- 2001 - 2005, Researcher and senior researcher at the Centre for European Economic Research (Mannheim).
- 2005 - 2011, Sector International Economics (CPB)
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