Search results

There are 109 search results.
February 25, 2021

World trade exceeds the old level

With an increase of 0.6% in December 2020 (compared to November), world trade exceeds the level of early 2020. The loss due to the COVID pandemic in the first half of 2020, has been made up for with a growth of 1....

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February 4, 2021


Al jarenlang gaat ons gezin op de ferry, tussen de vrachtwagens, van Calais naar Dover om in Londen familie op te zoeken. Als we (ooit) weer naar Londen reizen zal dit een stuk moeilijker worden met allerlei controles bij de douane; die Hollandse kaas laat ik dan maar thuis. Dat komt helaas door de Brexit.

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January 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor November 2020

World trade volume increased 2.1% in November 2020 compared to October, following an increase of 0.7% in October and seems to be unaffected by COVID measures. With this, the world trade volume is slightly higher than at the end of 2019, pre-COVID.

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January 25, 2021

World trade back to pre-corona level in November 2020

World trade volume increased 2.1% in November 2020 compared to October, following an increase of 0.7% in October and seems to be unaffected by COVID measures. With this, the world trade volume is slightly higher than at...

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December 24, 2020

World Trade Monitor October 2020

In October 2020, world trade grew again by 0.7% compared to September 2020. Due to continued growth in world trade since June, trade growth is still about 0.7% below the level at the end of 2019. The growth in October is, however, a lot lower than in September, when world trade increased by 2.7%.

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December 24, 2020

World trade recovery continues in October

In October 2020, world trade grew again by 0.7% compared to September 2020. Due to continued growth in world trade since June, trade growth is still about 0.7% below the level at the end of 2019....

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November 25, 2020

CPB World Trade Monitor September 2020

World trade recovery slowed down in September.

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November 25, 2020

World trade recovery slowed down in September

In September 2020, world trade grew by 2.1%, compared to August 2020. This is again less than the growth in August and July, when world trade increased by 2.4% and 5.0% respectively....

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November 17, 2020

Belastingontduiking en vermogensongelijkheid

Inkeerregeling vergroot belastingopbrengst, ook op langere termijn.

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November 17, 2020

Inkeerregeling vergroot belastingopbrengst, ook op langere termijn

Volgens internationale schattingen hebben Nederlandse huishoudens voor ruim 60 miljard euro uitstaan in belastingparadijzen. Met de inkeerregeling is tussen 2002 en 2018 voor ongeveer 12 miljard euro verborgen vermogen...