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There are 24 search results.
June 16, 2020

June forecast 2020

Unprecedented 6% decrease in GDP in 2020, followed by an increase of 3% next year. Unemployment would double, but, although public finances would be severely impacted, they would not enter the danger zone. Great uncertainty.

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June 16, 2020

Forecast June 2020, figures

Social distancing measures to counter the pandemic, in the Netherlands, have led to an unprecedented decline in economic activity of between 10% and 15%. Because of the considerable uncertainty about the course of the...

No title
June 2, 2020

Een nieuwe plaag voor de EMU

Bij de vormgeving van een Europese aanpak van de coronacrisis zijn solidariteit en welbegrepen eigenbelang belangrijke overwegingen.

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March 26, 2020

Corona crisis scenarios

Recession unavoidable, increase in government debt bearable.

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