Search results

There are 29 search results.
September 7, 2020

Analyse van kwetsbare bedrijven en banken in de coronacrisis

Dit achtergronddocument behoort bij de coronapublicatie ’De gevolgen van de coronacrisis voor Nederlandse bedrijven en banken’. Wij analyseren kwetsbare sectoren aan de hand van twee methoden: een voorspelling van...

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August 25, 2020

Blijvende economische schade van de coronacrisis

Langdurige schade economie wegens corona crisis door lagere productiviteitsgroei.

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February 18, 2020

Markups in a dual labour market: the case of the Netherlands

We follow the production function approach to assess markups, which requires the estimation of the output elasticity of a free input. In the basic setup we estimate a structural value added production function, using...

March 18, 2019

Markups van bedrijven in Nederland

Wij vinden voor Nederland dat de meeste sectoren geen stijgende markups laten zien.

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March 18, 2019

Estimating Markups in the Netherlands

In this study we analyse the dynamics of firm markups at a national level in the Netherlands. This document is a technical report that describes the literature review, data, methodology and results used in Meijerink et...

July 2, 2018

Frontier firms and followers in the Netherlands: estimating productivity and identifying the frontier

This study shows that constructing a large dataset, which sufficiently covers all firm sizes, is a prerequisite for studying the divergence hypothesis. We merge datasets of individual firm and employee data in the years 20062015 for the Netherlands, resulting in a representative sample of corporations. We find no evidence of diverging productivity between firms on the national frontier and laggard firms.

Frontier firms and followers in the Netherlands Estimating productivity and identifying the frontier

This research is part of a three-year research project on productivity growth in the Netherlands commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.

June 28, 2018

Koplopers en volgers: geen divergentie in Nederland

Deze CPB-Notitie geeft een overzicht van de bijdragen van kleine en grote bedrijven aan de productiviteitsgroei in Nederland.

March 9, 2017

Productivity Slowdown - Evidence for the Netherlands

This paper analyses how The Netherlands compares to other countries in terms of the productivity slowdown. It also includes a comparison of different sectors and tests possible explanatory variables.