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Toelichting MKBA gebiedsontwikkeling
Biodiversity in the Dutch practice of cost-benefit analysis
Hoe omgaan met flexibiliteit in infrastructuurbeleid en MKBA's infrastructuur?
De Nederlandse infrastructuur voor wegen, spoor en water is van hoge kwaliteit, mede door een lange traditie van meerjarige planning en besluitvorming. Ontwikkelingen zoals de zelfrijdende auto en de energie-transitie hebben de toekomst onzekerder gemaakt. Hierdoor is het risico om achteraf gezien verkeerde investeringen in infrastructuur te doen aanzienlijk vergroot. →
Cost-benefit analysis for flood risk management and water governance in the Netherlands: an overview of one century
The Netherlands is a global reference for flood risk management. This reputation is based on a mix of world-class civil engineering projects and innovative concepts of water governance. For more than a century, cost-benefit analysis has been an important tool for both flood risk management as well as water governance in the Netherlands. It has helped to select the most effective and efficient flood risk projects and to coordinate and reconcile the interests of various policy areas, levels of government and private stakeholders. →