Search results

There are 10 search results.
January 1, 1997

Marktwerking en de invloed van de bezettingsgraad op prijzen

Marktwerking en de invloed van de bezettingsgraad op prijzen

January 1, 1997

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

January 1, 1997

Competition in sheltered sectors: the level of the markup

CPB’s macroeconomic models currently in use were not built for analyzing a policy of deregulation and regulation

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Autumn 1996; World trade 1995-1997; World commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1996

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy

A long-term scenario study for the Dutch economy1995 - 2020.

January 1, 1996

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

Short-term prospects for the international economy - spring 1996; General report presented to the Spring meeting of the AIECE; Dublin

January 1, 1996

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

AIECE Working Group Reports - Spring 1996; Le commerce mondial en 1995-1997 / World Commodity prices 1995-1997

January 1, 1996

Long-term economic effects of broadcasting policy

Long-term economic effects of broadcasting policy

January 1, 1996

The welfare effects from stabilizing European exchange rates

The welfare effects from stabilizing European exchange rates

January 1, 1996

Export markets

Export markets