Search results

There are 172 search results.
March 3, 2009

Relation entry, exit and productivity: an overview of recent theoretical and empirical literature

Decomposition methods show that entry and exit considerably contribute to productivity growth.

March 3, 2009

Second opinion op MKBA Oplossingsrichtingen Kanaalzone Gent-Terneuzen, concept eindrapport

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

March 3, 2009

Open source software kan vervolginnovaties bevorderen

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

March 2, 2009

Reistijd van deur tot deur kritische succesfactor Openbaar Vervoer (OV)

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

March 2, 2009

Het belang van openbaar vervoer: de maatschappelijke effecten op een rij

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 26, 2009

The effects of competition on the quality of primary schools in the Netherlands

Competition between schools enhances pupils' achievements.

February 26, 2009

Presentation 'Profile CPB'

A presentation by George Gelauff about CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis for OECD in Rome.

February 26, 2009

Presentation 'Index linked bonds, pensions and government debt management'

A presentation by Casper van Ewijk for the Ministry of Finance and Netspar.

February 25, 2009

Concurrentie tussen basisscholen heeft een klein positief effect op de leerprestaties van leerlingen

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 23, 2009

Werkgelegenheidseffecten deelname JSF programma

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.