Search results

There are 165 search results.
February 25, 2004

Bevoorrechte positie Belastingdienst niet altijd gewenst

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 18, 2004

Equal availability, unequal enforcement? An analysis of the consequences of the regional allocation of the police budget

Current regional allocation of police budget leads to unequal enforcement.

February 18, 2004

Verdeling politiebudget leidt tot regionale ongelijkheid criminaliteitsbestrijding

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 17, 2004

A new WTO round for services: Likely consequences for the Netherlands

Upcoming General Agreement on Trade in Service likely to have but a small impact on the Dutch economy.

February 17, 2004

Nog geen nieuwe CPB-ramingen gepubliceerd in 2004

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 16, 2004

Nederlandse diensteneconomie verwacht kleine positieve effecten van huidige WTO-onderhandelingen

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 6, 2004

Belastingmaatregelen leiden tot meer congestie op de autowegen

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 4, 2004

Effecten van Belastingplan 2004 op mobiliteit en milieu

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 1, 2004

How econometric models help policy makers; theory and practice

Frisch and Tinbergen founded the standard framework for finding the optimal economic policy by maximizing the welfare function under constraints supplied by the econometric model.

January 29, 2004

Performance incentives in Dutch education: What can we learn from recent experiences abroad?

A more intensified use of performance-based funding in the Netherlands seems worthwhile, but is not without risk.