Search results

There are 23 search results.
November 28, 2024

Effects of US Import Tariffs on the Dutch and European Economy

The announced import tariffs by the future US president Trump are expected to primarily impact the United States' own imports and exports.

Erasmusbrug block
October 31, 2024

Kansen en kwetsbaarheden: economische verwevenheid met de VS

Nederland is op veel terreinen nauw verweven met de Verenigde Staten. Op financieel en technologisch gebied, maar ook door handel en defensie.

No title
March 5, 2024

Geopolitical decoupling and integration scenarios of global trade

The introduction of widespread trade restrictions between the West and both Russia and China (referred to as decoupling) precipitates significant short-term shifts in trade flows.

Container boat
February 13, 2024

The importance of Dutch service activities in global value chains of manufactured goods

The role of the Dutch economy in global value chains for manufactured goods.

August 2, 2023

Macro-economische en budgettaire effecten van beleidsvarianten met Saffier 3.0

In deze CPB-publicatie bespreken we de macro-economische en budgettaire effecten op middellange termijn van acht beleidsmaatregelen. Hierdoor krijgen lezers inzicht in de werking van het model Saffier 3....

April 26, 2023

Netherlands benefits from international policy on tariff costs in value chains

Firms face various trade costs that affect their international competitiveness. These include not only direct tariffs on imports and exports but also less obvious indirect tariffs imposed at different points in the...

April 26, 2023

New Tools for Value Chain Analysis

We introduce two novel tools to enhance our understanding of international trade. Through the trade cost index, we compute the complete trade costs within a value chain. With the new gravity model that also incorporates...

July 12, 2022

Saffier 3.0: Estimation results

This technical document supplements the general documentation of the macromodel Saffier 3.0....

December 22, 2021

Het macromodel van het CPB: Saffier 3.0

Het Centraal Planbureau heeft zijn macro-economische model van de Nederlandse economie - Saffier - vernieuwd. Recente economische inzichten en ontwikkelingen zijn in de nieuwe versie verwerkt. Het CPB neemt de nieuwe versie van Saffier vanaf 22 december in gebruik.

No title
December 22, 2021

Saffier 3.0: Technical Background

This paper documents the Saffier 3.0 model that is used for making macroeconomic projections and assessing the responses to fiscal policy changes in the short and medium run. This dual purpose of the model brings with...

Photo of an abacus and the code of the model