Search results

There are 7 search results.
July 2, 2018

Frontier firms and followers in the Netherlands: estimating productivity and identifying the frontier

This study shows that constructing a large dataset, which sufficiently covers all firm sizes, is a prerequisite for studying the divergence hypothesis. We merge datasets of individual firm and employee data in the years 20062015 for the Netherlands, resulting in a representative sample of corporations. We find no evidence of diverging productivity between firms on the national frontier and laggard firms.

June 28, 2018

Koplopers en volgers: geen divergentie in Nederland

Deze CPB-Notitie geeft een overzicht van de bijdragen van kleine en grote bedrijven aan de productiviteitsgroei in Nederland.

June 2, 2010

Calibration of GAMMA 2010

The GAMMA model is used to assess the sustainability of Dutch public finances.

June 1, 2010

Public investments and debt policy

In this memo, we develop and apply a simple framework to explore the effects of public investment on the intergenerational welfare distribution.

June 1, 2010

Distribution of benefits between generations; the future of Dutch public finance.

Ageing places a strain on public finance in the Netherlands.

June 1, 2010

Introduction of Adjustment Costs in the Gamma Model

This memorandum discusses the extensions in the 2010-version of the Gamma model which is used to assess the sustainability of Dutch government finances (van der Horst et al. (2010)).

August 21, 2006

Documentation of CORTAX

This memorandum is a technical documentation of CORTAX.