
March 23, 2022

Analysis of international trade sanctions against Russia

Het effect van de huidige handelssancties tegen Rusland voor Nederlandse economie zijn op termijn beperkt. Bij een eventuele stop van de Russische energietoevoer kan Nederland indirect wel flink geraakt worden o.a. via internationale productieketens.

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January 26, 2022

Trade benefits of the EU and the Internal Market

The Dutch gross domestic product (GDP) is structurally 3.1% higher due to the trade benefits of the European Union. This makes the Netherlands one of the countries that will benefit most from the increased trade by the EU.

 trade benefits of the European Union
January 11, 2022

Analysis of the economic and budgetary impact of the Coalition Agreement

CPB, at the request of the ‘formateur’ (person responsible for forming a new government), calculated the budgetary and economic consequences of the current Coalition Agreement. This was done on the basis of the budgetary appendix to the Coalition Agreement.

Analysis of the Coalition Agreement
December 22, 2021

Saffier 3.0: Technical Background

This paper documents the Saffier 3.0 model that is used for making macroeconomic projections and assessing the responses to fiscal policy changes in the short and medium run. This dual purpose of the model brings with...

Photo of an abacus and the code of the model
December 14, 2021

30 Years of Generational Accounting: A Critical Review

The question whether fiscal policies can be considered sustainable in the light of population ageing is old, but still relevant. Even more so, its relevance has increased recently as public debt levels have gone up...

December 13, 2021

National Productivity Board 2021 annual report

Productivity growth has been declining for several decades; not only in the Netherlands but in many European countries. During the corona pandemic, productivity growth has dropped even more....

December 9, 2021

Green innovation policies: a literature and policy review

Green, low-carbon technologies are much needed for an effective and efficient energy transition. For example, hydrogen, heat pumps, and completely new technologies may replace the current carbon-rich and dirty ways in...

November 23, 2021

Position paper EU fiscal governance framework

At the request of the Dutch House of Representatives’ Standing Committee on Finance, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis is participating in the Round Table on The Future of EU fiscal rules: reforming...

September 28, 2021

Analysis of The Covid-19 pandemic support policy 2020 with company data

This research shows that the support policy in 2020 has kept firms afloat, thereby preserving jobs. This was at the expense of economic dynamics. Most support has ended up in industries hardest hit by the lockdown, such...

August 12, 2021

Completing Dutch pension reform

Recently, the government and the social partners in the Netherlands agreed on how to reform the scheme of occupational pensions in the coming years. In June 2019 they agreed on the main principles of reform, in June 2020 they elaborated these principles in more detail.

Elderly on a Dutch Boulevard