
Seminar: Trust in other people and the usage of peer platform markets

On Tuesday January 15th 2019, Carin van der Cruijsen (DNB) will give a presentation titled: "Trust in other people and the usage of peer platform markets"

January 15, 2019
13:00 - 14:00
CPB-office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague (Room 1 - Duinzaal)
Carin van der Cruijsen (DNB)
Marielle Non (CPB)
Working language

The use of online peer - to - peer marketplaces is growing rapidly. It is important to understand what drives consumers’ usage of these markets.  Based on detailed survey data collected among a representative panel of Dutch consumers, we report a significant positive relationship between trust in other people and current and expected future usage of peer platform markets (PPMs). People who in general trust others are 10 percentage points more likely to use PPMs than people who distrust others. Less uncertainty about the reliability of other persons, the quality of goods and services offered and payments can stimulate usage of PPMs.