Central Economic Plan 2025 - Hero banner

Moderate growth in an uncertain world

The Dutch economy is set for moderate growth in the years ahead. Geopolitical unrest is currently causing additional uncertainty. The current expectations are that purchasing power will grow in 2025 and 2026 and poverty will decline.

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World Trade Monitor December

World Trade Monitor December 2024

World Merchandise trade increased 1.1% in December 2024 compared to the previous month, following a decrease of 0.1% in October. This is evident from the monthly CPB World Trade Monitor.

Long Term Report to Dick Schoof

Choosing for the future: four scenarios for 2050

The choices we make now are decisive for the Netherlands of 2050. In the long-term report, CPB outlines four scenarios to aid politicians in making these choices.

Field full of tulips

National Productivity Board 2024

Labour productivity in the market sector declined by 1.4% in 2023.

Painkillers and money

Responses to cost-sharing: Do socio-demographic characteristics matter?

Patient cost-sharing in health insurance tends to reduce moral hazard, but the effect may differ between subgroups.


Cycling cities: Mode choice, car congestion, and urban structure

This study examines the impact of cycling on urban spatial structure and welfare through the development of a quantitative spatial model that incorporates mode choice and car congestion....

Covid virus

Meer coronasteun in landen met hoge staatsschuld

Data shows that countries with higher pre-pandemic debt levels implemented more discretionary fiscal policy measures in the Covid-19 pandemic than countries with lower debt levels. This contrasts with theories of fiscal...