
Previous events

26 Jan 2017
Policy seminar

Policy seminar "Labour supply and the business cycle: lessons from labour market flows and international forecasting practices"

Thursday January 26th, Annette Zeilstra (CPB) will present "Labour supply and the business cycle: lessons from labour market flows and international forecasting...

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24 Jan 2017

Seminar "Preventing NEETs During the Great Recession - The Effects of a Mandatory Activation Program for Young Welfare Recipients"

Tuesday January 24th, Emile Cammeraat (UL) will present "Preventing NEETs During the Great Recession - The Effects of a Mandatory Activation Program for Young Welfare...

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23 Jan 2017

Technische briefing over Keuzes in Kaart

Het Centraal Planbureau verzorgt maandag 23 januari een technische briefing over de doorrekening van de verkiezingsprogramma’s (Keuzes in Kaart 2018-2021). Tijdens de briefing, bedoeld voor journalisten, geven...

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19 Jan 2017
Policy seminar

Policy seminar "Effecten financiële standaardproducten op marktwerking"

Donderdag 19 januari geeft Rob Wessels (ACM) een presentatie getiteld "Effecten financiële standaardproducten op...

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17 Jan 2017

Seminar "Last But (Not) Least: Aversion to the Lowest Educational Track"

Tuesday January 17th, Esmeé Zwiers (EUR) will present "Last But (Not) Least: Aversion to the Lowest Educational...

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12 Jan 2017
Policy seminar

Policy seminar "Kosten van belastingheffing, baten van herverdeling en kosten-batenanalyse"

Donderdag 12 januari geeft Casper van Ewijk (Universiteit van Amsterdam) een presentatie getiteld "Kosten van belastingheffing, baten van herverdeling en...

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13 Dec 2016

Publicatie Decemberraming CPB

De eerstvolgende raming van het CPB zal op dinsdag 13 december 2016 om 07.00 uur worden...

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13 Dec 2016

Seminar: Is employment decentralization bad for productivity? Estimating the spatial scope of agglomeration economies

Tuesday December 13th, Paul Verstraten (CPB) will present "Is employment decentralization bad for productivity? Estimating the spatial scope of agglomeration...

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08 Dec 2016

9th Health Policy Workshop: Regional variation in health care: What can we learn from it?

In health care many regional differences in utilization and prices exist. A patient with back pain may get treated in hospital A but not in hospital B. Dutch research shows that hospital specialists treat back hernia in...

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08 Dec 2016
Policy seminar

Policy Seminar: The optimal mix of the first and second pension pillar

Thursday December 8th, Thomas Michielsen (CPB) will present "The optimal mix of the first and second pension...

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