
Previous events

07 Feb 2019 Time: 13:00
Policy seminar

Policy seminar: De AFM en (veld)experimenten - Activeren bezitters van een aflossingsvrije hypotheek

Donderdag 7 februari 2019 geven Wilte Zijlstra & Alexandra van Geen (AFM) een presentatie getiteld: "De AFM en (veld)experimenten - Activeren bezitters van een aflossingsvrije...

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05 Feb 2019 Time: 13:15
Policy seminar

Policy seminar: Kennis en beleid: vechten of groeien

Dinsdag 5 februari 2019 geeft George Gelauff (KIM) een presentatie getiteld: "Kennis en beleid: vechten of...

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24 Jan 2019 Time: 14:30

CPB symposium: The End of Tax Havens?

On Thursday January 24th 2019, CPB organizes the symposium "The End of Tax Havens?". Recent initiatives of the OECD and the EU have announced a clamp-down on aggressive tax planning by multinationals....

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24 Jan 2019 Time: 13:00
Policy seminar

Policy seminar: Managementkwaliteit in Nederland gemeten

Donderdag 22 februari 2019 geeft Sjoerd Hardeman (Rabobank) een presentatie getiteld: "Managementkwaliteit in Nederland...

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23 Jan 2019 Time: 13:15

CPB workshop: The End of Tax Havens?

On Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 January 2019, CPB organizes the workshop "The End of Tax...

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22 Jan 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Greening Monetary Policy

On Tuesday January 22nd 2019, Dirk Schoenmaker (RSM) will give a presentation titled: "Greening Monetary...

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17 Jan 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Mass layoffs and early retirement: Employment losses by skill profiles

On Thursday January 17th 2019, Emilie Rademakers (KU Leuven) will give a presentation titled: "Mass layoffs and early retirement: Employment losses by skill...

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15 Jan 2019 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Trust in other people and the usage of peer platform markets

On Tuesday January 15th 2019, Carin van der Cruijsen (DNB) will give a presentation titled: "Trust in other people and the usage of peer platform...

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15 Jan 2019 Time: 12:30

Open Day 2019

Are you exploring the labour market and wonder whether CPB could be the workplace for you? Come to our Open Day, Tuesday 15 January 2019!

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10 Jan 2019 Time: 13:00
Policy seminar

Policy seminar: Cyberveiligheid

Donderdag 10 januari 2019 geven Bastiaan Overvest (CPB), Rogier van Wanroij (NCTV) en Wouter Oosterbaan (NCSC) een presentatie getiteld:...

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